Keep all your thoughts positive today. If you find yourself thinking negatively, try to replace that thought with a positive one - for instance -"Well, at least I tried, and I'm proud that I did ... "
Changes Changes can sometimes be a little intimidating, but try to remember that your Angels will only guide you to changes that will be for your highest good in the long run.
Often we only think of the things that are worrying us, forgetting how much we have in our lives to be thankful for. Think about all the things and people in your life that you are thankful for today.
Sometimes it is really good for us to allow our playful side to emerge, thus nurturing our inner child. Today is one of those days - what could you do to have some fun today?
Moving on If there's something from your past that you are holding on to that could be affecting the chances of a happier future, you should let it go now - for your own highest good.
Expertise If you feel that you need more information about a situation, or to enable you to carry out a task, don't be afraid to ask for help, or consult an expert, rather than try to go it alone.
Your Angels send you guidance through your inner thoughts and instincts.
If you repeatedly have the same thought, feeling or "hear" the same song in your mind this could be your Angels trying to tell you something - please listen.
Listen to your feelings If someone asks you to do something today that you feel is against your better judgement, dont be afraid to say "no". You must do what feels right for you.
Changes can sometimes be a little intimidating, but try to remember that your Angels will only guide you to changes that will be for your highest good in the long run.